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Welcome to
Farm Produce Online
Welcome to an innovative and easy way to sell to customers who understand and properly value your expertise and produce.
It’s like having your own Farm Shop, without the hassle of the financial and time commitments. Although you can take a share in us because we know that having your expertise on-board can only make us better, and that means more profit for us all to share.
Your Farm Shop will have its own free page to showcase its products so that customers can browse through it from the comfort of their home. You will have total control over your pricing and the editing of your page.
You will be able to chop-and-change the produce available as you need. There will be no restrictions on the type of produce you wish to show, whether you produce fruit and vegetables, meat, dairy, baked goods, flowers, or something new!
We know that there is an ever-growing market for niche products and we want to help you find that customer base.
With full credit card and PayPal facilities, Farmproduce.Online will make it easy for you and your customers to benefit from a range of real Farm Shop produce that has never been available before.
While we are putting the finishing touches on the site we welcome you to find out more about our free Farm Page launching on
You’ll get a feel for the site and find out how to register for our Halloween Shop photo competition and win a £100 voucher from your designated store.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Best wishes,
Farm Produce Online
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